
Weekly offerings are important to sustaining TLC ministries. Thank you for those who continue to give in this time of financial stress.

More often than not, we find ourselves living with clenched fists rather than open hands. Living generously with all that has been entrusted to us brings us life. Those who lose their life, find it, Jesus says…a paradox that rings true in how we spend our time, our financial resources, our lives. When we give ourselves away, we find ourselves filled up in ways we never anticipated.

Payments to Trinity Lutheran Church can be done through
e-transfer to

Trinity Lutheran Church offers a pre-authorized payment plan for those who would like to take advantage of convenient, regular giving.

Pre-authorized payments will be taken out at the beginning of each month. Payments can be stopped or suspended at any time.

Please click here for the pre-authorization form. When you SUBMIT the form, it will go to the Church office. You will then need to give a blank, voided cheque to  the Church office.  

If you have any questions, please e-mail the office or call 604-584-0111.

other Giving opportunities


Canada Blood Services "Blood for Life"

The need for blood and plasma is rising rapidly.

Patients need people across Canada to donate now.

Visit the Canada Blood Services website for more information.


Contact Karen Garcia,
604-707-3441 or email Karen Garcia to find out how to give.



Deltassist Family and Community Services Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the well being of the people of Delta. They offer counselling and community-building in the form of workshops, events, senior support, outreach programs, and information services. 

Visit DeltAssist's website for more information.

Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR)

sustainable world — for everyone.

CLWR is one of Canada's oldest and most trusted humanitarian organizations.

Your gift to CLWR makes you a partner with displaced and food-insecure people as they develop solutions that last, so all people can live in peace with dignity and hope.

One of the ways that you can continue supporting CLWR's WE CARE is by donating a quick kit or a hygiene kit. Please click the following links for more information:  Quick Kit or Hygiene Kit

Click here to visit the CLWR website for more information.

Surrey Urban Mission (SUMS)

A Bridge to Hope for the Whalley Community, SUMS' vision is to provide a place for all in need and their mission is to be a bridge for Christ's love, nurturing hope in the community.

Click here to visit the SUMS website.

Harvest Hands International

Your support can be sent to

The International Christian Mission Services (ICMS)

PO BOX 24, Station A, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 6ZA or

Click here for more information and to donate online