and peace to you from the One who is, who was and who is to come! Amen
Have you
ever been unable to pray? I mean have you ever been at a place in your life,
where you just couldn’t talk to or listen for God in much or any manner, shape
or form? This inability to pray may have arisen because of pain in your own
life, or the lives of others – a profound sickness or loss of a loved one or a
relationship that meant the world to you, or even the loss of a job or a
position that you felt ‘defined’ you.
Ah yes, have you ever been unable to
I remember Helen. Helen was a woman
in the very first parish I served. She volunteered to put together the bulletin
each week on a manual typewriter and then run them off on a GESTETNER. Now you
have to be at least 60 to know what either of those are. Helen was a good
hearted woman. I deeply appreciated that she did these things for our church
community because a) I am not very mechanical and b) whenever I attempted to
use the Gestetner I wouild emerge from the Gestetner’s room covered in all
kinds of black ink/guck. In addition her work saved me hours of time that I
could invest in other realities such as Pastoral visitation, sermon research
and preparation for whatever classes I was then teaching.
Because Helen was at the church building
regularly we came to know each other. Her life wasn’t easy. Her father had been
an alcoholic – with rage issues particularly when he was drinking. Her husband
was an alcoholic, then in recovery. And her teen-aged son was an alcoholic.
Helen’s life was no walk in the park.
But in and
through all of that, Helen had grown in her faith. She had a deep desire and a
regular discipline to pray. As we began to get to know each other Helen
encouraged me in my prayer life. Her encouragement, example and willingness to
pray with and for me, with and for others became an important gift in my life.
You see I had grown up regularly praying. But while I was in seminary,
wrestling with all kinds of realities in my life – and having my faith
stretched, shuffled, deconstructed and reconstructed well – my prayer life was
something that had floundered. I ‘reasoned’ that God knew everything – that
God’s power was beyond my understanding and certainly also beyond my control –
so therefore God didn’t need me to pray.
Don’t get me wrong – I still prayed
with and for others regularly. Pastors must do that. And I did. But my own
prayer life in terms of “being with God” then was sporadic at best.
Then Helen arrived into my life. One
day she literally suggested that we pray together for others in our communities
– our church and larger communities. In that process I learned to pray anew and
again. It was like - Helen brought a
word from God to me. That word knocked down the barriers in my life that had
been preventing me from opening up to God – from regularly listening for and to
God – from seeing that God was working in ways I could never imagine.
Who would have thought that Helen
could have done all that – this woman who was immersed in trying to survive day
by day – a woman for whom some in the church community felt sorry for – this
woman of faith whose word of God came to anew each day? Surprise, surprise! (Pause)
So let me
ask: Where and how do you anticipate God showing up?
Or do we? Do we expect God to show up
at all? And if we do expect God to show up, do we think that God’s “showing up”
has to be in Church or through the Pastor – or through some really “important”
person like a Bishop or a nun, the Dalai Lama – or a King or a Queen or a Prime
Minister or even someone famous like say, a Taylor Swift? (brief pause)
I suspect that many people, among
them sometimes even us, forget or don’t expect God to show up here and now in
this time and place. I mean our time and place sometimes feels so far removed
from the Bible, even far removed from how we think of God.
And our realities are so complex,
right? We live in a global economy –
where what happens in the United States, South Korea or Russia – economically,
politically, militarily, even weather wise affects us and the whole world. If
North Korea attacks South Korea, or Israel launches weapons into Iran – or if
the US imposes 25% tariffs on Canadian goods, or if there is a drought in the
Ukraine and Russia – well all of that will affect us in ways we might not even
be able to begin to imagine right now.
I have even wondered if Premier
Legault and his governing party in Quebec bans prayer in public places in
Quebec , does that have anything to do with us? How do we feel about prayer in
public places? Should we be concerned, act, pray?
Does God care about any of this – the
millions of refugees, the homeless on our streets, those of us who can’t pray
or trust God, are wondering about trusting any one or anything? Yes, our times
are complex – and we are often complicated ourselves. (Pause)
But – is
it only our time, we human beings here and now who are complex, or difficult?
Do we think that living in the time
of John the Baptist or Jesus was easy? They lived in an occupied country where
taxes were high – where they were at the whim of the Roman Emperor Tiberias and
his appointees - men like Pontius Pilate, Herod and Philip. And, if we think
this time in Canada is difficult – well, do you remember what so called feast
we celebrate right after Christmas, that Sunday when only a few people come to
church? NO, it’s not Boxing day. It’s titled the Massacre of the innocents.
That’s a day when we remember that Herod, worried because he has heard of the
birth of Jesus, worried because he thinks he may well lose his power, orders
that all the children of Jerusalem and area under 2 years of age be killed. How
horrible! All of this is part of those people’s reality – the realities they
lived with. (bp)
It’s in
that time and place that God sends a word to a seemingly strange man out in the
‘wilderness’ – a guy we know as John the Baptist. Now John likely isn’t the
person we would have chosen to receive and speak a word from God to a whole
variety of people in that time and
place. Thankfully we aren’t the ones making those decisions! God is.
Nor is the
‘wilderness’ the likely location that we would have chosen for a word of God to
be sent to or to be received from by a whole host of people. After all, who
would go out from the city or even the villages to a wilderness place to hear an
eccentric man telling us that WE NEED TO
REORIENT OUR LIVES, THAT WE NEED TO MAKE TIME TO HEAR GOD SPEAKING TO US, so that we can have our minds and the way
we live our lives change. And all of this needs to happen right now!
And yet,
that is exactly what God does in that time and place! The word of God comes to
John, the son of Zechariah, IN THE WILDERNESS. (bp)
Maybe just
maybe it helps us to be away from what is familiar, a place or situation like a
‘wilderness’ to be actually be open to hearing God speak to us about who we
are, whose we are, what matters, what we need, and what we don’t need. And
maybe, just maybe, the wilderness isn’t always a place, so much as situations
or circumstances where our guards are let down, our minds and hearts are opened
to hearing, to trusting, to being loved and then being enabled to love, to see
our need for change and the possibilities for our change. (Pause)
We too
experience mountains and valleys, not just literally in terms of rocks and trees,
skies and low places. We also experience obstacles in our lives that may feel
insurmountable. Such obstacles may be broken or hurting relationships,
financial or emotional circumstances that have us caught or so limited that we
can hardly breathe, smile, laugh or cry. Our obstacles may even be outside of us.
We may be separated by distance, geographical or emotional, from those we so
deeply love. Or, we may suffer under systems that seek to limit us from fully
being seen, or that limit our freedom to express and experience who we are
fully are as a child of God.
I ponder such realities as I see and
hear people each day: on the street or sidewalk, in an alley, at a church, in a
bank, on one or more of my “screens”. Our lives are multifaceted, wonderful and
difficult, joyous and hurting, struggling, sometimes even dancing, all at once.
So: listen
dear people. The word of God comes to John, the son of Zechariah in the
wilderness. And what a word of God that is!
It is a word for the people then. And
it is a word for us now. That word that John the Baptist receives is this,
REPENT! That is - change the way you think and live by being opened to God, to God’s
life and hope, to God’s love and forgiveness, where God lets go of the ways we
have messed up, hurt ourselves and others, or even just plain missed out on
what’s important.
这是当时百姓的讯息,也是我们今天的讯息。约翰从上帝那里收到的话语是:“悔改!” 也就是说,改变你的思想和生活方式,向上帝敞开心扉,接受上帝的生命与希望,接受祂的爱与宽恕。上帝宽恕了我们所有的过犯,抚平了我们所有的伤害,甚至包容了我们错过的所有重要事物。
It is John’s way of saying from God
to us, “Look around, see, be still and hear!” God can and will allow us to see
and hear. God can show us how to move forward, how to let go of what’s holding
us back. And God through God’s Spirit is with you, with me right here, right
Not only
that, but this word of God that comes to us, may well come to us through
situations and people we would never expect. (bp)
Do you remember me telling you about Helen, how
God’s word came to here in the midst of her formidable struggles and then through
her to me – and then through me and the
Spirit maybe to you – right now, even now, especially now! (Pause)
Dear, precious people – do you hear
that: dear precious people? I do not and cannot know all that you are
experiencing in your lives right now. I do not and cannot fully know your joys,
your questions, your pain – your anxiety, whether you have deep despair or
great hope, or some experienced mixture of all those. But, God, the Creator of
the universe, the Father/Mother of Jesus, the one who sends a word to John the
Baptist and my prayer mentor Helen, does know the very depths of who you are.
God loves you!
And this
God will send a word to you – a word that you need to hear – a word that may
come through a person’s voice, prayer, touch, letter, email – through the sound
of Scripture or the melody of music. And this word is meant sometimes to
comfort you, sometimes to challenge you, sometimes to reorient us, to stop us
or even to start us but always to lead us to new life, to hope – to trust in
the One who lives in the midst and beyond all the Tiberias’s, all the Herods,
all the wars and losses of our lives. This God wills to walk with us and all
others through them. (bp)
Even now a
word from God comes to us! As we listen and by God’s grace humbly obey – let me
tell you some flesh will see and experience the deliverance, the new life that
can come only from God. And some day, dear people – because of God’s word and
actions among us all flesh will see and experience this deliverance of God –
this salvation of God. That’s God’s promise.
Oh, Lord let it be so, even through us, even now, especially
now. Amen and Amen.