What was your childhood like…growing up,
were you or are you encouraged to speak your mind? Were your ideas valued or
were adults the only ones who could express their opinions and ideas? Turn to
one another and share, try to find someone from a different generation than
yourself…take two minutes to listen to your neighbor and share your story….
As a young student, were you encouraged to
question, inquire, investigate things or were you told to sit down, be quiet
and listen. Growing up, it was clear that my parents were raising me to think
for myself, to stand tall next to my friends and not bend to peer pressure when
they were challenging our family values of mutual respect, care for self and
others. But I would’ve preferred to be
Perhaps throughout life as we encounter
things that need to change, we notice injustice happening, even those of us who
prefer to stay quiet become willing, in fact, eager to question
things…wondering about the status quo, asking why, what and how. The process of
questioning has been encouraged in the states certainly since the 1970’s in the
education system in Minnesota. If I didn’t understand what the teacher was
communicating, I learned how to raise my hand. At first, I was afraid to do
this, shy, didn’t want to look stupid or appear foolish in front of my
friends…but somewhere along the way, a teacher affirmed my courage to ask,
saying it was likely that others had the same question, were confused, and were
afraid to ask.
也许,在人生的旅途中,当我们目睹需要改变的事情、看到不公正的现象时,即使是那些习惯保持沉默的人,也会愿意——甚至迫切地——提出质疑,开始思考现状,问为什么、是什么、该如何做。在美国,至少自 1970 年代以来,明尼苏达州的教育体系就一直鼓励学生提问。如果我听不懂老师的讲解,我学会了举手。一开始,我很害怕这么做,害羞,不想在同学面前显得愚蠢或无知……但某个时刻,一位老师肯定了我提问的勇气,并说其他人可能也有同样的疑问,但他们也害怕开口。
In today’s scripture from Luke, we hear
that the closest followers of Jesus did not understand what he was saying; it’s
meaning was concealed from them, so that they couldn’t perceive it. And they
were afraid to ask Jesus about this saying. What saying was this?
Jesus, their beloved teacher, had just
said: Let these words sink into your ears: The Son of Man is going to be
betrayed into human hands.
Jesus is starting to set his face for
Jerusalem, which means the shadow of the cross is looming in his future…and he
is beginning to pray about it, and talk about it with his closest friends. In
the text we hear this morning, it’s eight days after those first sayings…what sayings?
It’s referring to a dialog Jesus has begun to have with his followers…about his
true identity and his upcoming suffering, rejection, and execution.
Eight days before, Jesus had been praying
with his friends, the Bible calls them disciples…the ones who were drawn to his
teaching and way of life. After praying, Jesus asked them, “Who do the crowds
say that I am?” They say you are a prophet sent from God, someone who names
God’s work in the world and challenges us to join in …but Jesus asks: “who do
you say I am?” Peter blurts out: You are the Messiah, the Savior of God. Hearing
this, Jesus sternly orders them to tell no one, saying “The Son of Man must undergo
great suffering, and be rejected and killed, and on the third day be raised.”
八天前,耶稣正在与门徒们一起祷告。圣经称这些门徒为“门徒”,他们是被耶稣的教导和生活方式吸引的人。祷告后,耶稣问他们:“众人说我是谁?” 门徒们回答说:“有人说你是神差来的先知,是一位揭示神在世界上作为,并挑战我们去参与神工作的使者。” 但耶稣接着问:“那你们说我是谁?” 彼得脱口而出:“你是基督,是神的救主。”
Jesus then goes on to say that walking the
way of God in the world involves each of us denying ourselves, taking up our
cross and following…those who try to save their own life will lose it. Those
who lose their life for my sake will save it.
It’s these sayings about suffering,
rejection, death…and taking up our cross that the disciples don’t understand.
How can this be the way of God in the world? How will that defeat our enemies?
How will surrender result in winning the war against evil, injustice, and
I wonder, how is it that our ears
could be open and yet we cannot hear? Could it be that the life of faith is not
so much about acquiring a certain body of in-for-ma-tion but about being formed in a way of life that
involves losing our life in order to save it, dying in order to live, letting
go in order to receive, surrendering in order to win.
Back in 2017, we were asked by the our Renewal
and Redevelopment Guiding team (of Barry, Diane, Maureen and Chris) to approach
community leaders in North Delta and Surrey and listen to them as we asked: “What
are some challenges our community is facing? How might a church respond to
those challenges?” Barry interviewed Mayor Lois Jackson for over an hour,
perhaps laying a foundation for the meeting she agreed to have with us about
restoring and repurposing the land across from TLC. When we finally met with Mayor George
Harvey’s team to consider developing the land into a green space, they
confirmed that the former illegal dumping zone is unstable for housing
development. The green space and Heritage walk down the gully where Les
Starheim grew up has not yet become reality. In listening to Zena Ray, the former
principal of my daughter’s elementary school, she said one of the challenges
she faced with the students was that when they feel threatened or disrespected
by a fellow student…they take vengeance into their own hands and don’t seem to
comprehend the value of developing a different approach to conflict. The rate
at which this happens has increased significantly in recent years.
回到 2017 年,我们的“更新与发展指导团队”(成员包括 Barry、Diane、Maureen 和 Chris)邀请我们去接触北三角洲(North Delta)和素里的社区领导人,并询问:“我们的社区正面临哪些挑战?教会如何回应这些挑战?” Barry 采访了市长
Lois Jackson 一个多小时,这或许为后来我们与她会面奠定了基础,我们当时讨论了关于修复和重新利用 TLC 对面的土地。
当我们最终与市长 George Harvey 的团队会面,考虑将这片土地开发为绿色空间时,他们确认,这块曾被非法倾倒垃圾的土地并不适合建造住宅。然而,沿着 Les Starheim 曾经成长的山谷打造遗产步道的愿景,至今尚未成为现实。
在倾听我女儿小学的前任校长 Zena Ray 时,她提到,她所面临的一个挑战是:当学生们感到受到威胁或不被尊重时,他们会自行采取报复行动,而似乎无法理解使用不同方式处理冲突的价值。这种情况近年来大幅上升。
These kids perhaps have no experience with the
way of Christ, with surrendering in order to win…believe they need to fight for
the right to be heard, respected. After listening to these community leaders,
the guiding team sensed the Spirit leading us to offer our first community board game night
at TLC…25 people showed up and had a blast modeling teamwork and healthy
competition. The pandemic curbed those game nights, but the ND Neighbour
Initiative grew out of the isolation of the pandemic and has led to several
innovative experiments like the community BBQ.
Listening to parents of STEAM camp kids
last summer, we found that they valued a Wednesday night community dinner. So
during Lent we are inviting the community back for a couple Wednesday night
soup suppers, inviting those families. Listening to our neighbours continues to
be a powerful way to listen to Jesus.
这些孩子或许从未体验过基督的道路——“降服才能得胜”。他们认为,必须为自己的声音和尊严而战。在倾听了这些社区领导人的反馈后,指导团队感到圣灵引导我们,在 TLC 举办了第一场社区桌游之夜(Community Board Game Night)。那天晚上有 25 人参加,他们在团队合作和健康竞争中度过了愉快的时光。
疫情一度中断了这些桌游之夜,但 ND 邻舍计划(Neighbour Initiative)却在疫情隔离中成长起来,并催生了创新性的尝试,例如社区烧烤(Community BBQ)。
去年夏天,在倾听 STEAM 夏令营家长的反馈后,我们发现他们非常珍视周三晚上的社区晚餐。因此,在四旬期,我们邀请社区家庭回来,参加两次周三晚上的汤会(Soup Supper)。倾听我们的邻舍,仍然是我们倾听耶稣的一种重要方式。
Jesus was beginning to talk about dying in
order to truly live, the way of the cross…and his closest followers couldn’t
take it in. Their ears were open but they couldn’t listen. In fact, a whole
string of interactions tumble upon one another as they fail to comprehend God’s
way of surrendering in order to win.
So Jesus takes Peter, James and John on a
hike…up a mountain…maybe this would help them understand…up there, Jesus is
transformed like a lightning bolt, reminiscent of Moses when he met with
God...he would emerge from the tent with his face glowing it alarmed people so
he’d cover it with a veil. With Jesus in this electrified state, Elijah and
Moses appear, the three of them talking about this way of the cross in the
world…suffering, rejection, being killed and raised…and Peter, not knowing what
he is saying, suggests they build shelters for each of them and remain on the
mountain. Peter doesn’t get it…so a cloud overshadows them and a voice speaks: “This
is my Son, my Chosen; Listen to him!” When the voice had spoken, Jesus was the
only one left. Peter, James and John didn’t say a word about it to anyone. They
stayed quiet.
就在耶稣处于这被神荣光充满的状态时,以利亚和摩西显现了,三人正在谈论十字架的道路——受苦、被拒绝、被杀害,并在第三日复活。而彼得,在不明白自己在说什么的情况下,竟然提议:“我们搭三座棚,把你们留在这里。” 彼得并没有真正明白发生了什么。
The voice from the cloud calls Jesus “my
Son, my Chosen”…how do we understand this phrase? In the Hebrew Bible, divine
sonship language is common, however, it refers to kings as God’s chosen
representative on earth….the way the Crown was understood when Queen Elizabeth
was anointed in the 1930’s in Britain. In the ancient Roman Empire, the emperor
was divinized after death…not usually
called a god in his lifetime, but rather a “son of a god.” So in Luke, Jesus
being God’s son is a claim to being legitimate. It means Jesus is designated,
equipped to carry out God’s will, to make known God’s coming kingdom or rule on
earth, to show God’s power. The cross, a place of vulnerability and defeat, was
not the expected display of power for the God of the Universe.
在希伯来圣经中,“神的儿子”这一称谓很常见,但通常是用来指代君王,象征他们作为神在地上的拣选代表……这类似于 1930 年代英国女王伊丽莎白加冕时,人们对王权的理解。
They hear but aren’t able to understand…so
Jesus says: Let these words sink into your ears: The Son of Man is going to be
betrayed into human hands.” This surrender on the cross is at work to heal the
world….are we willing to be part of that healing?